September 8, 2008

Broken Promises....woops! :)

SO, awhile ago I told a lie (on accident) and said that I added a bunch of pictures to our Mac Gallery so that our families could download them. Then I figured out that I couldn't do it with my computer; I had to do it with Brett's because his has our account on it. ANYWAY... I finally did actually put them on there. There are a lot of good family pictures and cute pictures of all the babies Boston, Sadie and Nash. The folders I added are titled "Weekend in Boise" and "New pictures- added 9/7", and the link is on the right side of this page. So you should be able to download any that you please to your own computers. :) Loves.


MediocreMama said...

If there's one thing I hate, it's a liar... :)

Brittany said...

RACH! RACH! RACH! what's up?!? this is brittany that worked at bon losee! jennie focker told me you had a blog and i was so excited! you look so fantastic! i just wanted to say hey! i recently quit cuz my husband got a job in salt lake so i get to stay home with my lil one now yay! anyway, hope you don't mind if i check in once in a while! later