July 9, 2008

Rolling over: Cool trick or not?

Last week I had put Boston down for a nap on his tummy and when I came in to check on him he was on his back with his head on the opposite end of the crib. To my knowledge that was the first time he had rolled over. YAY! right? WRONG! At first I thought this was a very cool trick he had just pulled. I have since changed my mind. If there is one thing Boston is adamantly stubborn about it is taking naps. I have to let him scream and scream until he is just too tired to cry anymore and just goes to sleep. He was actually starting to get good at naps just recently and was going to sleep on his belly within like 5 minutes of laying down which was heavenly for me. You should know that he WILL NOT go to sleep on his back. Anyway, ever since the rolling over trick it has been impossible to get him to take a good nap. I lay him down on his belly and within 5 seconds he is on his back and screaming. Needless to say, we have had a few frustrating days of tired baby. :) Today when I layed him down, he screamed for about 45 min and then I found him like this...

This only lasted for about half an hour but I had to smile at the fact that he actually did FINALLY fall asleep and he looked so peaceful and cute.

Yesterday was Boston's first time at Seven Peaks. He did so good! I have a season pass and I don't know what has taken me so long to use it! I think I was worried about how he would do, but he loved it. He even sat in the water with me and let the waves come up to his belly. And then he took a good nap in his stroller. We will be going more often now :) Here's a picture of him in the water. Don't mind me in this...

And some other random pictures from this last week...


dynamike said...

How funny! We had the same problem, but opposite. Jonah would scream multiple times each nap/night because he was trapped on his tummy (he would be in push up position and so so mad) I got less sleep once he learned that new trick than I did when he was like a day old. haha! Now he rolls all over- it's always a fun treat to see what position he's in in his crib. We need to hang out! Call me, seriously.

Cameron Family said...

It was so fun to see you today! Hopefully I will see you LOTS more!

Jennie Minor said...

He is so cute! I love the pics. And BTW you look GREAT! Look how skinny your arms and legs are! I am jealous!